Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 113 Being Efficient with our Technology and Time Jeff Utecht August 15, 2022 SOS
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 113 SOS Being Efficient with our Technology and Time Jeff Utecht August 15, 2022
Shifting Educators insert_link share playlist_add email close 144 SOS Bounce Episode: Coaching for Metacognition Jeff Utecht August 8, 2022
Shifting Schools play_arrow share playlist_add email close 960 SOS How Would You Like It To Be? – A School Wide Project-Based Learning Film Festival Jeff Utecht August 1, 2022
Shifting Educators play_arrow share playlist_add email close 1064 SOS Episode 218: 3 Podcasting Tips for Teachers and Students Jeff Utecht July 11, 2022
Shifting Educators play_arrow share playlist_add email close 1340 SOS Episode 214: Talking STEM with Mr. Fascinate Jeff Utecht June 13, 2022
Shifting Educators play_arrow share playlist_add email close 1370 SOS Episode 213: Being a Science Communicator with Swapna Krishna Jeff Utecht June 6, 2022
Shifting Educators play_arrow share playlist_add email close 1196 SOS Episode 212: Lisa Forman-Gather a passionate team of people Jeff Utecht May 30, 2022
Shifting Educators play_arrow share playlist_add email close 1036 SOS Episode 211: Lyndsey D’Arcangelo – A Journalist’s Journey Jeff Utecht May 23, 2022
Shifting Educators play_arrow share playlist_add email close 1072 SOS Episode 201: Teaching Through Photography Jeff Utecht March 14, 2022