Shifting Educators play_arrow share playlist_add email close 205 2 SOS Episode 94: Learning happens in the process of creating not the product created Jeff Utecht September 18, 2019
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 257 SOS Episode 93: Top 5 Chrome Extensions for Students in a 1:1 Classroom Jeff Utecht August 20, 2019
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 327 SOS Episode 92: Bringing the Connectivism Learning Theory into the 1:1 Classroom Jeff Utecht August 14, 2019
Shifting Schools insert_link share email close 496 SOS Episode 91: Becoming Relevant Again: Applying Connectivism Learning Theory to Today’s Classroom. Jeff Utecht August 7, 2019
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 155 SOS Episode 90: Teach like Coach or Coach like a Teacher an interview with HS Social Studies Teacher Steve Murphy Jeff Utecht July 18, 2019
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 72 SOS Episode 89: Using Science to Explain the World with guest Rebekah Cheney Jeff Utecht July 3, 2019
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 62 SOS Episode 88: Behind By Week Two with guest Tom Riddell Jeff Utecht June 26, 2019
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 71 SOS Episode 86: I’m Not Standard Jeff Utecht June 12, 2019
Shifting Educators insert_link share email close 68 SOS Episode 85: Music and Technology in Harmony Jeff Utecht June 4, 2019